Published on Feb 01, 2016
Roy Miller founded Triangle Service Station at the Oak Bay Junction in 1950 and in 1956 hauled the Island’s first travel trailer from the U.S. to Victoria and put it on display at his service station.
He was very passionate about his business and capitalized on the growing trend towards family adventure camping.
He expanded into mobile homes and parks eventually spanning eight lots throughout BC and Saskatchewan.
He loved racing and supported local drivers including Gary Kershaw and Ed Hutchinson, as well as being a track sponsor at Western Speedway. He believed in living life large,with one foot in the future.
Here we are in the future, 60 years later and still sharing the love of Camping, Race Cars, and Large Life!
Triangle RV has come full circle…embracing the core values that Roy instilled in the Company.
We are Track Sponsors again at Western Speedway, and at this years RV Show in March, we hope you will enjoy our 1956 theme.
A couple of other events took place in 1956…..
- Marilyn Monroe marries Arthur Miller.
- Wizard of Oz first aired on TV
- Budweiser Brewery introduces Busch beer
- 1956 Was a leap year
- Elvis released Heartbreak Hotel
We invite you to write any memories you might have of ”The Early Days” in the comments section.