Published on Apr 15, 2016
Two Foot or Ten Foot “Itis” ?
Talk to us at Triangle RV, We can discuss a trade , give you some options, and get you the right fit!
It happens to every RVer at some point. They’re taking a trip and everyone is antsy. Everyone is cramped. Everyone is starting to get on each other’s nerves. While what made a great investment in the beginning may slowly be getting too small to comfortable travel to and fro on the road. Is your RV to small?
Here are a few points to consider before you take the cure….
Sleep Space
Cabin size is one of the most deceptive aspects of RVing. An RV will say it sleeps four but only sleep two depending on people’s sizes and sleeping preferences. If you find there’s just not enough room to comfortable sleep, it’s time to get a bigger model.
Storage Space
No RV has enough storage space but as your family grows, so does what you need to bring on the ride. If you’re not optimizing every inch of space in your RV, you’re going to run out before you know it, but if you’re bringing everything you need on a trip and still running out space, then you have an issue that can be remedied by upgrading.
If your RV feels too small, it probably is. Trust your gut feeling on this one. If you feel like the walls are closing in around you and you don’t have enough room, you don’t have enough room no matter what your family, sales person, or others tell you.
When buying an RV, it’s important to invest in your future on the road. If indeed the cure is an upgrade,Triangle Rv , will do our absolute best to make sure you have the RV that fits “Just Right “